What is inclusive and sustainable development?
Inclusive and sustainable development is the principle that the benefits of economic growth must be shared broadly, leaving no one behind and meeting the needs of the present without compromising future generations. Social inclusion means that everyone can access the institutions, resources, and opportunities that are necessary to live a socially valued life. Inclusive growth means reducing inequalities in income and opportunities and also promoting empowerment and equal opportunity.
Why are inclusive growth and sustainable development important?
Inclusive growth and sustainable development are fundamental to achieving the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which include key notions such as affordable and clean energy for all, reduced inequalities, and sustainable cities and communities. With this in mind, Enel X's business approach is based on social inclusion in sustainable cities and this ensures the adoption of a sustainable growth strategy that follows the principles of non-discrimination, equal opportunity and equal dignity for all forms of diversity.

How can sustainability increase social inclusion?
There are a number of ways that sustainability can reduce inequalities and increase social inclusion. One way is for policymakers to foster inclusive urban development, managing growth and change in ways that reduce pollution, protect natural resources, create sustainable communities, and improve quality of life for everyone, including vulnerable people and people with disabilities. Choosing inclusivity leads to a virtuous process in which sustainable businesses, such as Enel X, deliver products and services that are designed for all. . For example, sustainability is the key driver of Enel X’s entire business ecosystem. A crucial element of this driver is social inclusion, meaning the idea of making products and services that are accessible and usable by everyone — including people with disabilities and people that are socially or economically vulnerable — in order to increase their standard of living and generate value for all.