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What are the main benefits of sustainable development?

The benefits of sustainable development for people and the planet are numerous. It’s intended to improve the quality of life for all and is based on the understanding that environmental, economic and social issues are linked. Economically speaking, sustainable practices can create a healthier, safer and more productive environment.


Socially, sustainable practices can help strengthen community bonds, improve quality of life and provide hope for a better future. Environmentally, sustainable practices can help protect natural resources, mitigate and adapt to climate change and promote biodiversity. Social inclusion and sustainability benefits that result from sustainable development, are directly linked to electrification.

Environmental well-being

What are the benefits of sustainability? Without sustainable development, the biodiversity on which our lives and our economic activities depend would be lost. So how is biodiversity related to sustainability? Biodiversity plays a key role in the achievement of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Without it we would not have food to eat or clean water to drink. Biodiversity also mitigates climate change, supports human health, and provides jobs. Together, biodiversity and healthy ecosystems increase resilience and serve as natural buffers against extreme weather events such as droughts, storms, and other disasters. This is why Enel X is committed to the preservation of biodiversity which goes hand in hand with sustainability.

Social and community benefits

Enel X believes that achieving a sustainable world means fostering innovation. This means basing our progress on the circular economy model, unlocking new opportunities to improve people’s lives through e-mobility and smart homes, smart cities and innovative business solutions, ultrabroadband connectivity and digital payments. By aligning our mission to the to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs), particularly affordable and clean energy for all (SDG 7), industry, innovation and infrastructure (SDG 9), sustainable cities and communities (SDG 11) and climate action (SDG 13) our services bring about social and community benefits.

Sustainable and inclusive growth

Our Offer

Our Offer

From electric mobility to smart cities, and from smart homes to energy storage and flexibility services

Sharing the benefits of sustainable growth means leaving no one behind, now or in the future. This is one of the main principles of sustainable development: it must be inclusive to be sustainable. The benefits of economic growth must be shared broadly. Social inclusion means that everyone can access the institutions, resources, and opportunities that are necessary to live a socially valued life. Inclusive growth aims to reduce inequalities in income and opportunities and promotes empowerment and equal opportunity. Enel X's is based on social inclusion in sustainable cities and this ensures the adoption of a sustainable growth strategy that follows the principles of non-discrimination, equal opportunity and equal dignity for all forms of diversity.

What are the advantages of sustainable development for smart cities?

Cities account for 70% of worldwide emissions and are home to more than half of the world’s population. Changing the face of urban environments to make them more efficient, livable and sustainable is a paramount priority. Enel X enables cities to meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by upgrading infrastructure, digitizing public services and leading the transition to renewable energy. Our approach for smart cities embraces the entire city ecosystem – from lighting to infrastructure, from transportation to urban design. We partner with administrations, communities and stakeholders to deliver cutting-edge solutions for smart, efficient, welcoming and sustainable cities.
Smart City

City Solutions

An ecosystem of electrified and digitalized urban infrastructure combined with innovative solutions

How does smart growth promote sustainable development?

Smart growth is development that is environmentally sensitive, economically viable, community-oriented, and sustainable. Its approach to land usage promotes compact, transit-oriented urban communities that are attractive and livable. Smart growth focuses on the planning and layout of the community. It involves policies that integrate transportation and land use decisions by encouraging more compact, mixed-use development (infill) within existing urban areas and discouraging dispersed, automobile-dependent development at the urban fringes and the efficient use of land to maximize community goals and avoid wasteful sprawl. 

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