The event
Enel X’s commitment to sustainability and innovation drives its choices to develop and identify the most efficient solutions for its clients. To meet this objective, part of the company’s offer relies on energy flexibility. It represents an innovative way to perceive the role of energy, not solely based on demand but also on supply, which is provided also thanks to renewable energy sources. This is the rationale behind Enel X’s choice to participate as a Gold Partner at FLEXCON2022, the two-day conference on energy flexibility to be held in Amsterdam on the 27th and 28th of June 2022. The conference, which is the result of the fruitful collaboration of Flexiblepower Alliance Network (FAN) e SmartEn, will involve companies specialized in topics related to flexible energy from all over the world and will host multiple presentations and workshops.

The driving concept of the conference is that flexible energy represents the next step toward a decentralized and powered energy grid. However, implementing this transition to this new model is not straight-forward and will require a paradigm shift in which businesses rethink their business models, and increased awareness by all stakeholders in the ecosystem.
FLEXCON2022: its Agenda and Enel X’s contribution
The complete agenda can be viewed here. Enel X will participate not only as Gold Partner, it will also showcase its expertise on the topic with two speeches, held by Daniele Andreoli and Cem Başar, respectively the Head of Demand Response and the Head of Global Business Development for Demand Response Solutions at Enel X. Andreoli will address the challenges of “Empowering decarbonisation with demand-side flexibility” on Tuesday, 28th June from 11:20 AM until 11:50. Başar will tackle the topic of the “Role of Demand-Side Flexibility (DSF) in the energy transition”, held on the same day between 15:00 PM and 15:30 PM.