A Powerful, Efficient Technology
The sun is the primary source of energy on the planet and directly or indirectly fuels most of life. Moreover, its power can be harnessed for human use to a far greater extent than is generally recognized. Photovoltaic panels have been widely tested and developed over many decades and now constitute a powerful and efficient high technology that is extremely reliable. Moreover, for companies that go solar, the payoff isn’t just in terms of cost, although that is a real benefit; there is a reputational return, too.
Some Enel X Solar Clients
Just ask Enel X clients like the Italian food company Cremonini, which wants to ensure all the power used by its Inalca meat packing unit is generated from renewable sources, up from about 40% today, and is turning to solar to do so. Then there is ABB, which is showing its commitment to renewable energy both through its solar power installations and as Enel’s co-sponsor of Formula E motor racing. Further afield, there is Comestibiles Italo, one of Colombia’s best known confectioners, which is using sunlight to produce its own electricity from photovoltaic panels on the roof of its Bogota factory, and plans to sell energy to the grid.

Solar Pays Off

Many of the world’s biggest companies are investing record amounts in solar, showing that they recognize the value of boosting their green credentials. The payoff is an improved bottom line that underlines their commitment to corporate social responsibility and makes the business more attractive to outside investors. A core strategy that incorporates environmental values has been shown to improve management of business risks and opportunities and to enhance long-term social and environmental sustainability. This all demonstrates that the business is taking seriously its responsibility to future generations, which in turn enhances the reputation of the brand.
Solar is Cheaper
Because of the urgency of generating clean energy, the cost of solar power has plummeted. Going solar now requires a limited initial investment to buy and install the panels — which will last 30 years or more — plus a few recurring maintenance costs, meaning there is a high return on investment.
Companies can generate energy at their sites any time of the day at no extra cost, even when it is cloudy or during the winter. Solar panels capture solar rays, not heat, to produce electricity, and only stop working at night. Energy produced during the day can be stored and released when it gets dark.
Reduced Carbon Footprint
Solar energy is one of the cleanest, most abundant energy sources available. With the 2030 deadline for the climate goals now less than a decade away, it is important to bear in mind that installing solar panels to generate renewable energy means you are drawing less traditional energy from the grid. That is reducing your carbon footprint, as well as the impact your business has on the environment.

A Solid History in Solar
Enel X has a solid history in solar power, one that shows we can handle the design, development and execution of major projects. Our advisors ensure that the solar panels and the other necessary parts of an installation are working together as they should to achieve optimum results, putting your business on the path to smart, cost-effective energy management.
The sun is the primary source of energy on the planet and directly or indirectly fuels most of life. Moreover, its power can be harnessed for human use to a far greater extent than is generally recognized.