Every factory, business venture and housing system - the so-called Commercial & Industrial (C&I) clients - has very specific goals, necessities and regulations to follow. In order to design, engineer and put into operation a storage system, many hardware (batteries) and software (Energy Management System - EMS) aspects need to be included in a tailor-made solution based on specific needs of those who resort to storage systems as a way to cut energy costs while they aim to lower consumption, integrate renewable facilities with grid network flexibility, as well as fostering more resilience and improve the system’s performance. It is from this awareness that Enel X delivers business models for C&I clients, designed to respond in an adequate and timely fashion to specific necessities arising from the so-called Behind the Meter (BtM)1 context.Every factory, business venture and housing system - the so-called Commercial & Industrial (C&I) clients - has very specific goals, necessities and regulations to follow. In order to design, engineer and put into operation a storage system, many hardware (batteries) and software (Energy Management System - EMS) aspects need to be included in a tailor-made solution based on specific needs of those who resort to storage systems as a way to cut energy costs while they aim to lower consumption, integrate renewable facilities with grid network flexibility, as well as fostering more resilience and improve the system’s performance. It is from this awareness that Enel X delivers business models for C&I clients, designed to respond in an adequate and timely fashion to specific necessities arising from the so-called Behind the Meter (BtM)1 context.