Demand Response is Key in Exceptional Times
Electricity consumption in Ireland has fallen 10-12% over the lockdown period. In Northern Ireland and Britain the drop has been even higher — up to 20%. According to Irish system operator EirGrid, the concentration of high-tech firms like data centers has had a mitigating effect on demand in the region. To exacerbate the grid-balancing challenge over the lockdown period, there have been record-breaking weather patterns ideal for solar and wind renewable energy generation. When renewables’ share of overall generation is very high, the grid is more volatile and becomes even more difficult to manage. One of the technologies that grid operators call on to help manage exceptional grid events is Demand Response (DR), which relies on energy users modulating their demand at relatively short notice to help maintain grid system stability.
EirGrid, Enel X Execute DR Test
On May 12, EirGrid executed a DR test event requesting a total of 115 MW from Enel X. Our portfolio delivered 107 MW, a 98.5% performance. This capacity was provided by 38 of Enel X’s Irish customers across 52 sites. This result demonstrates that Demand Response continues to be a reliable solution for grid stability, even in exceptional circumstances. DR reliability will become even more important in the future as decarbonization efforts lead to increased electrification in heating and transportation, with potentially less predictable demand.

Growing Need for Demand Response
Meanwhile the need for of DR grows: balancing the grid is set to become even more challenging as countries increase renewables in an effort to reach net zero targets.
Meanwhile the need for of DR grows: balancing the grid is set to become even more challenging as countries increase renewables in an effort to reach net zero targets.
Enel X’s Commitment to Demand Response

We will continue to actively work with our customers to adapt their changing operational profiles for successful DR participation. This is part of our standard Demand Response aggregation service, benefiting grid operators that would otherwise have to work with individual businesses’ unique DR participation plans. Demand Response participation also brings benefits to C&I businesses. As well as unlocking new revenue streams by using their assets to deliver grid flexibility, our customers invariably improve efficiency, operational resilience and their preparedness to innovate. We thank our customers for their diligence in this test and for supporting grid stability and decarbonization through Demand Response, and to our 24x7 real-time network operations team who were involved in delivering a flawless event during such a difficult and unprecedented period.