Enel X smart public lighting systems comprise materials and technologies that deliver higher efficiency and energy savings compared to traditional incandescent and halogen lighting, reducing energy use by 70-90 per cent in energy output. The same asset can cover multiple functions, in addition to lighting, including security camera and charging point hosting.

Public lighting: intelligent lighting for smart urban living
Today, most public lighting is still reliant on outdated technology based on traditional light sources. One of the main goals of a smart city is to save energy by replacing the current public lighting infrastructure with innovative LED solutions and cutting-edge technologies that save money, make public spaces safer, and improve quality of life for residents.
Enel X provides smart lighting solutions that are tailored to the individual needs of each client, offering efficient, remote controlled LED public lighting with unique features such as adaptive illumination.

Our Solutions

LED Lighting
Our latest set of LED streetlights (Talede Plus and MaXimo) is designed to deliver the highest possible energy and cost savings while curbing CO₂ emissions.

Lighting Control Technologies
Systems that communicate key parameters, like energy consumptions levels, in real time. Early detection of any malfunctions and constant performance level monitoring makes the infrastructure more reliable, improving public safety.

Adaptive Lighting
An intelligent system that adjusts the intensity of public lighting to match real-time traffic, weather and luminance conditions. Adaptive illumination can generate an additional 20-35% in energy savings for LED lights.

Telco Hosting
Thanks to the extensiveness of the public lighting network, light poles can be used by telco operators to install 4G/5G networks to guarantee better coverage, while also being enablers for new future-proof services that benefit both local institutions and citizens.
Our Projects

Discover our Smart City projects around the world, improving public transport, energy efficiency and digital services.

In Villapinzón we had 657 luminaires. Many of them were already out of service, so many sectors of the municipality remained dark, leading to insecurity problems. But with the modernization of the LED luminaires, the municipality improved its appearance.
Mayor of Villapinzón