Digitalization Can Make Businesses More Competitive
The world is going digital, and energy is a part of that. Increasing digitalization in the energy sector is driven by the effort to reach net-zero emissions by 2050 or sooner to limit the damage caused by climate change, together with the availability of the underlying technologies. Companies can exploit the digital transformation in renewable energy to gain an advantage in the marketplace. Opportunities to save money as sustainability improves are becoming available and with them, the prospect of boosting a business’s competitiveness.
Digital Energy Management for Sustainability
More broadly, what we are talking about is the transformation that’s caused, facilitated or accelerated by digital applications. These can be either software or hardware, or a combination of both, but they all make use of information and communication technology. At Enel X we aim to provide our clients with the customized, specialized and flexible energy management tools they need in order to fully understand and optimize their energy consumption. In so doing, we are helping them get closer to achieving their sustainability goals and at the same time, laying the foundation for a long-term relationship that will benefit both sides.

The Enel X Suite of Integrated Solutions

We do this through our Customer Insights portfolio of digital solutions. These are designed to increase customer awareness of energy consumption, streamline the related processes and reduce costs through digitalization. All or parts of the software suite are available in North and South America, Italy, Spain, the UK, Romania, Oceania and Japan, adding up to an integrated set of solutions. Furthermore, our Energy Consulting service uses the data generated by the software to give Enel X advisers the information needed to prioritize costs, determine what is driving them, and identify and advise on opportunities to supply energy to the grid through Demand Response and distributed energy plans. They can also advise on sustainability goals and renewables.
Global Reach and Expertise
Our global reach means that we can support and stay close to our customers in different areas. This also means that we understand the subtleties inherent in different regulatory systems and are therefore able to come up with the most suitable solution to any given issue, quickly and efficiently.
Our digital solutions allow clients see clearly what energy they buy, how much they spend on it, and how and when they use it. This in turn enables them to understand, manage and optimize their energy consumption efficiently and sustainably, and while helping us build an enduring relationship.