As it aims to support companies on their energy transition journey, Enel X Global Retail, Enel Group’s global business line operating in the field of energy supply and energy management services, has always offered its customers the most innovative tools and technologies available on the market. To secure such innovation, Enel X has a history of investing in and collaborating with startups whose solutions are riding the crest of the renewable energy and digitalization waves. These companies’ technologies have the potential to be disruptive by – for example – vastly simplifying innovation processes that support everything from medicine to the transition to renewable energy, improving the welfare of citizens everywhere.

Furthermore, collaboration with Enel X and its team supports startups in their efforts to accelerate the development and implementation of innovative ideas and technologies, which – in turn – helps also generate positive change faster than would otherwise be possible. A final advantage is that such collaboration increases startups’ chances of reaching the broadest possible number of users, who can then make a true difference within their communities.
Bringing doctors and patients closer together with ADiLife
One such example is Enel X’s collaboration with ADiLife, a company founded in 2018 in Ancona whose aim is to improve healthcare by shortening the ‘distance’ between patient and doctor. ADiLife is a digital platform that enables a direct and constant dialog between doctors and patients, helping the former track their patients’ healthcare needs. The platform increases the speed with which doctors can offer their patients actionable diagnoses and refer them to the necessary care facilities. The partnership with Enel X was born from a shared vision to use digital technology to simplify the way medical services are delivered to citizens, making such services more easily available to patients who need them. With ADiLife’s technology, Enel X was able to improve its own Smart Axistance C-19 solution, born to help better manage information flows at hospitals during the Covid 19 emergency. ADiLife provided Enel X with a back-end system for all Smart Axistance’s in-Cloud applications. This helped hospitals better manage workflow enabling them to decongest intensive care units during the most critical months of the pandemic.

Today, thanks also to this collaboration, Smart Axistance has become a digital platform for tele-medicine, whose aim is to promote the prevention of health issues and ensure assistance when problems arise. The platform – subsequently adopted by many publicly-managed health facilities – can help patients take care of certain medical conditions on their own as well as support them in their efforts to remain healthy. By helping doctors and care facilities remotely monitor their patients, the solution helps free up hospital beds, reduces treatment costs and limits the need for hospitalization; it also supports public administrations in their efforts to supply employees with a complete wellness package that not only offers prompt access to assistance when needed, but also helps them adopt healthier lifestyles.
greenApes reward ‘green’ citizens for their sustainable behavior
Another example of collaboration between a startup and Enel X – this time in the energy conservation sector – is that with greenApes, a former startup (founded in 2012 in Florence) whose mission is to encourage sustainable behavior on the part of consumers. greenApes is a user community that offers participants rewards to be used within the community whenever they carry out some form of eco-sustainable behavior. Every action that generates a positive environmental or social impact is rewarded with points issued by the community. These points can then be used to support environmental and social projects as well as attain “green awards” from the greenApes catalog. The tie up with Enel X came when the energy company decided to include a modified version of greenApes’ solution within its own Enel X YoUrban platform. The YoUrban platform already succeeded in bringing citizens and public administrations closer, thanks to an innovative function through which consumers can notify public authorities in real time about issues like public lighting failures and malfunctions. A new solution developed by Enel X together with greenApes integrates the latter’s awards philosophy into the former’s user experience: when Enel X customers exhibit a particularly ‘virtuous behavior’ – for example by carrying out sustainability-enhancing actions like recycling and using public transportation – they are awarded ‘green vouchers’ they can then use to obtain awards and discounts from companies participating in the greenApes community. Virtuous behavior, rewarded, leads to more virtuous behavior, creating a virtuous circle that benefits people… and the planet.