The changing face of the city
YoUrban and its digital ecosystem
YoUrban is the name Enel X has given to the digital ecosystem it has developed for cities and the administrations that run them.
Based on technologies that exploit the possibilities inherent in the Internet of Things and Big Data platforms, YoUrban offers an open, modular and high-tech environment that can be customized to meet the needs of individual municipalities.

An up-to-the-minute digital platform
Through YoUrban, cities can integrate sensors and assets they already have, or which they install, to transform them into smart objects, applying data analytics and big data logic to realize their full potential.
This is a technologically advanced platform that follows the latest standards and exploits digitalization to offer improved public services by integrating the portfolio of services Enel X offers smart cities.

Lighting as a city’s core service

As an example, let’s look at public lighting. This is a core service that cities the world over offer their citizens and is an element that has set the modern urban space apart from cities through most of history. Even so, much of the modern infrastructure relies on outdated technology, with low-quality lighting, frequent faults that are hard to detect and repair, alongside pollution and expensive power bills.
YoUrban allows administrators to manage public lighting digitally end to end, from the active management of lamps and lighting points, if the right technology is installed, to the digital management of faults. YoUrban Faults Management offers a complete picture of breakdowns, integrated through all channels, meaning administrators can monitor the overall state of repair of a city’s lighting, the progress of fault resolution and whether key performance indicators are being met.