Art and technology

Smart lights

The multidisciplinary project saw a number of different professionals at work. And thanks to the collaboration with the superintendence, of all the officials and site assistants, we were able to complete this delicate project in total safety and fully respecting all the archaeological artifacts
Project Manager Business-to-Business and Business-to-Government, Country Italia of Enel X
A path of light
The technical and artistic project, called "Una notte a Pompei” A Night in Pompeii, invites visitors to follow a path of light from Porta Marina Maggiore, then continuing through the shops of Via Marina, the Temple of Apollo, the Forum, the Temple of Vespasian, the Macellum and public buildings, to the Basilica: a journey that constantly enthuses visitors who are guided at every step by Enel's smart solutions.
“Pompeii’s new lighting system is another important step in the revival of an archaeological site, which is unique in the world. Thanks to the evocative interplay of lights, the outline and shapes of the ruins are now shining with new beauty,” commented Dario Franceschini, Italian Minister of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism, as he spoke at the inaugural ceremony.